COCO & DEUCE– Pure white Coco and black & white Deuce … best buddies looking out for each other. For us the sweet memories are unforgettable.
Our GOALS . . .
Beyond 2024 our USA + Canada user base will expand to the pet-crazy countries of England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Spain.
Our PASSION . . . Service + Therapy / Search + Rescue
Service animals and Search and Rescue scenting animals fascinate and impress us. We focus extra efforts providing information and contacts to this pet segment that makes our planet a better place.
Our COMMUNITY. . . Avid Pet Lovers Everywhere!!
The global family of Avid Pet Lovers is the community we serve enthusiastically and comprehensively. The Founders of OnTrendAPPS are veteran pet owners, pet product patent holders and hearing service-dog users with "multi-country multi-breed" experience. We understand the pet world deeply. Our useful apps offer SINGLE-SOURCES of comprehensive social pet networking, information and services to like-minded pet lovers in our markets. Enjoy our fact filled functional apps every day as the apps grow and mature right along with our pet families!!!
JOE BOXER – Meet the most loveable Mexico street rescue you could imagine. Super-muscular boxer-pit bull mix went from a life of fighting until we gave him a life of peace and calm. A total doll, and very protective of his loved ones!!!!
PANCHO – What more could you ask in a friend. Loyal and true, friendly and fun, a companion to make you smile when the cares of life pile up. Guatemala produces beautiful pet friends!
CANTON SPOT – What a sociable buddy this is. Leaps right into your arms and licks your face … the ultimate expression of a dog's trust and affection. Our friend in Guangzhou